August 15, 2022


Today it's all about "IMMUNITY" - OJAS, the juice of life lets us enjoy life with all its wonderful colors

Author of the article: Liilamaya

Many of us have been experiencing illness much more strongly and differently since the last two and a half years. The reasons why this is so go far beyond our understanding and education. We are literally vulnerable to the mystery of the unknown.

Regardless of the cause, our inability to fight strange pathogens could be seen as an individual and collective weakness in our immunity, as one of my teachers, David Frawley, has shown in some of his recent writings and teachings.

Ayurveda sees our overall strength, digestive power, endurance / patience including our ability to withstand disease, stress, the aging process or challenging situations as an important pillar in our well-being. This similarly summarizes as an armor of prevention, protection and healing for our body, mind and spirit including rejuvenation, all this and more under one word: OJAS.

Ojas is a "super" word in Ayurveda. "Super" because it captures so much of where our power comes from. To understand it in its entirety, we must also mention and understand our vital 7 body tissues (dhatus) of plasma / rasa, blood / rakta, muscles / mamas, fat / medas, bones / asthi and reproductive organs / shukra, because ojas is the by-product or essence of all of them together. As their original essence that protects them from the inside.

It is important to note that Ojas is the higher essence of Kapha Dosha. Kapha are the structures that are interconnected and watery in nature and play the important role of being the main nutritional support for all dhatus/tissues and their complex interconnected network.

Interestingly, the 7 tissues / dhatus are listed in Ayurveda from the most superficial to the deepest, built up sequentially by the food we eat over a 30-day period, beginning with plasma / rasa and culminating in "Supreme Ojas", the most refined of all body tissues, containing the most accumulated ojas: Shukra Dhatu / Reproductive Organs. They all feed, help and nourish each other in their production and reproduction process. In this way, those that require the densest nourishing food are the reproductive organs. Ayurveda Dhatu Mantra: The deeper the dhatu is, the more difficult it is to treat.

The production of ojas depends on a stealth digestive system in addition to proper nourishment of the seven dhatus. Therefore, taking care of our digestion and its efficiency is another great pillar in Ayurveda.

As a tip, follow the Ayurvedic dietary principles for each dosha to stay focused on a healthy gut and stable digestive system. The current state of our ojas is dictated by the strength of our health, stamina and well-being in terms of our ability to fight disease and cope with danger or challenging situations, simply put, how well we can maintain our composure.

However, this deep-seated energy of the ojas can be depleted, leading to the breakdown of physical or psychological immunity, loss of resistance to disease, susceptibility to toxins, and acceleration of the aging process. Ojas can be weakened by severe or long-term illness and injury, but stress, overwork, and malnutrition over a long period of time can also lower them.

As mentioned earlier, special care towards our reproductive tissues is of utmost importance, so being aware of how much sexual energy you are using/wasting is also of utmost importance in maintaining ojas.

This is why brahmacharya, or "abstinence of sexual energy," is 4th on the very first limb on the yoga path. Ojas is not alone in its quest to remain number one in igniting the spark of life, it is part of a triad of subtle energies like prana and ojas.

Similar to the Three Amigos, they are interconnected. We can understand Prana as the life energy or breath of life that animates us, it is also the higher essence of Vata in its positive sense as it is needed to activate Ojas. Similarly, throughout nature, Vata is needed for movement in all its expressions, and conversely, Ojas are needed to sustain Prana, as Ojas can sustain a deeper level of life force. Prana is the energy and strength that comes from ojas after being ignited into tejas.

Tejas is our inner vital heat and radiance/light energy that comes from ojas, which has an oily quality similar to ghee that can sustain the flame. Ojas is the potential and endurance of the mind and nervous system to hold tejas and prana. Ojas has the ability to transform into tejas (heat), which in turn has the ability to transform into prana (electricity) Prama, tejas and ojas benefit from the practices of yoga, pranayama (especially anuloma viloma / alternate nasal breathing, Bhastrika / Balgatem, Bhramari / Hum Breathing, and Shambhavi Mudra, resulting in a quantum increase in prana) and meditation by increasing all of the above qualities in light of igniting power, vitality, radiance, health, and brilliance.

CHARACTERISTICS OF HEALTHY OJAS: Clear radiant complexion, high immunity to infectious diseases (rarely sick) cheerfulness, energy and enthusiasm, youthfulness, great stress tolerance, mental clarity, creativity and serenity.

SIGNS OF RECOVERED OJAS: hypersensitivity, nervous weakness, depression, anxiety, insomnia, shyness, worry dullness / poor complexion weakness of muscles and bones, tremors and loss of body weight. loss of appetite sluggishness / fatigue

If you have one or some of the symptoms described above, do not despair, you are not alone, most of us have depleted ojas at some point or in some way because we are exposed to so many variables that can damage our delicate layers of existence, especially due to the lack of dense nutrients due to the poor and less than sustainable agricultural practices of the time.

The most important first step is: review your diet. Especially based on your dosha type, if you are following Ayurvedic nutrition, if you are not, I highly recommend starting. Find a dosha test online (Banyan Botanicals has one of the best that I have come across and use with my clients).

Second, once you get the result, read more about the tainted dosha and how to balance it. Especially with diet. Practice regularity with the suggestions and practices, including yoga, pranayama and meditation.

Find stability in your daily rhythms and rituals. This will translate into a harmonization of the state of ojas, as there is a relevant connection to the mind-body chemistry. Last but not least, follow the suggestions described here for building ojas, it is a fun way to discover new ways to implement some delicious foods in our diet, especially because they are so versatile and delicious !!!

I will introduce you to these foods in a moment.

BUILDING OJAS: The following suggestions help to build OJAS

Nourish your physical health by eating meals in a pleasant environment in the company of people you enjoy.

Eat at a moderate pace. Don't eat in a hurry while you are walking or driving. Do not eat when you are emotional, angry, upset, etc. Do not eat when the previous meal has not been digested, as this leads to the production of ama / toxins. The accumulation of ama in body tissues leads to disease. Eat a balanced meal. In Ayurveda, a balanced meal consists of all 6 major tastes in moderation: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, astringent and spicy. People with pitta constitutions should minimize or avoid hot, spicy, pungent foods as this further aggravates pitta (internal fire) which could burn out the ojas.

The best herbs and for building ojas are:

Herbs 🌿 : Ojas-strengthening herbs include Ayurvedic tonics and rejuvenators such as Ashwagandha, Bala, Shatavari, Amalaki, Shilaji, Guduchi and preparations such as Chyavan Prash, Brahma Rasayana, Agastya Rasayana and Ashwagandha Lehyam, including certain special Guggul preparations. Ayurvedic massage oils such as Mahanarayan, Dhanvantaram, Balashwagandha, Sahacharadi or Kshirabala strengthen ojas. In terms of supporting ojas as psychological immunity, important herbs are Brahmi, Manduka Parni, Vacha, Tulsi and Shankha Pushpi, especially Brahmi Ghee. Massage oils on the head such as Chandanadi help with psychological immunity, as do aromas such as sandalwood. While spices do not directly increase ojas, they can help extract ojas from food, especially turmeric, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, cumin, and cloves.

Food 🍯 : Foods for ojas include milk, ghee, almonds, cashews, sesame seeds (tahini), and root vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams), whole grains (wheat and oats) and dals (such as mung and urad dal), and special foods such as lotus root or seeds or makkhana. Coconut water protects ojas in times of stress and exhaustion.

Nourish your mind through regular meditation and positive thinking.

Building and maintaining ojas requires a certain amount of effort and discipline. Tapas in Sanskrit. Ojas has such power that without it we lack the attention, perseverance and concentration for yogic practices, especially those of deep meditation, as it grounds our higher consciousness.

The ability to maintain a deep-seated, calm state of mind, in which we are not thrown off center or influenced by emotions, in which we are in control of our senses and life instincts, not agitatedly distracted or pulled outward by unnecessary distractions, are all influenced in their totality by the strength of Ojas. A concept with many hidden phases and strengths, which is why Ojas is symbolized by a bull in Vedic philosophy, and Om represents the power of Ojas at the lever of primordial sound.

So much to discover in the Vedic phylosophies of Yoga and Ayurveda, the best tools for modern yogis to return home to the heart that contains all knowledge and truth. For those who honestly seek it. Back to our pure essence.



P.S.I would like to add a small recipe: For building reproductive tissue / shukra. I call it the SHUKRA ELIXIER:

For this, take a cup of fresh milk (or milk alternative if you don't use dairy products), a handful of crushed almonds, a spoonful of ghee and 1 or 2 juicy dates.

Mix everything well or blend it and enjoy it afterwards.


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