Author: Veronica Prodis, Yoga teacher AcroVinyasa (AcroYoga
Watch the video on Youtube:
These two sequences A and B allow you to truly connect your body & mind through your breath. To flow through all postures will become familiar without thinking, allowing your body to be moved by your breath.
The sequence can be used in preparation for other postures (worm up) and stretching the body, bringing the connection between movement and breath. It can also be used as a complete exercise in itself. It tones and stretches the muscles, massages the inner organs, and helps to relieve constipation, speeds up the metabolism and helps to reduce weight.
So even spending 15 minutes of your day practising the Sun Salutations can be used to calm the mind, and promote health and balance.
(5 Breaths)
Right leg
Left leg 11. Inhale - VIRABHADRASANA (Dristis: Thumbs)
(5 Breaths)
Namaste Veronica Pródis
Ibiza 2021
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